Thursday, April 23, 2009

Still joking about my age...

I joke about being 50 all the time. Because being 50 is pretty funny. Especially since I'm really 51. Hey, every year I can save helps, right?

Either way, one of the things that has me shaking my head at growing older... is... is... oh, yeah. My memory. Sometimes I can't remember squat. And sometimes I can remember squat, but wish I didn't. Squat is just not a nice thing to remember.

Got this email at work today. And yes, all of Robert Brown Elementary School got it, too.

>>> Daisy Salguero 4/23/2009 8:10 AM >>>

A cell phone was found in the refrigerator, if it's yours please call it!!!

Daisy J. Salguero

All of Robert Brown Elementary School got a good laugh today. No one at Robert Brown Elementary School knows who left their phone there. Because I'm not telling anyone... No one.


My memory's just not as sharp as it used to be. Also my memory's just not as sharp as it used to be.

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