My last (hopefully) appointment with the ol' foot doctor is this Friday. In the morning. First thing. Yee haw!
Now, getting out of the boot should be a big deal, right? 'Cept, to be completely honest, I've cheated and I've been out of it several times already. Usually I come running back to it though. Well not running... but a slow gallop. Whatever you call it, I usually beg for it to jump back on my foot. And caress my aching arch.
I'm not completely positive that I'll get an A+ at my next dr. visit... but I do know this. That I won't be wearing these ever again.

But these are okay, right?

And the boot? Even if I do get dismissed from my boot on Friday? I have a Disneyland date next week. The boot and I will become friends again on that day.
Oh, you're thinking that I will wear the boot to protect my precious tootsies? Ha! I'm thinking that it'll get me onto the rides faster!! I'll suddenly become as gimpy as I can... if it'll get me to the head of the line at Space Mountain!
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