Friday, October 15, 2010

* * N E W S F L A S H * *

This is probably just big news to me. And only me.

But... it tickles my fancy to share it. can now be accessed at too!


Oh, wait. That means I have to have all of my little business cards reprinted. Oh, wait. That means I have to have all of my mousepads reprinted.


Just kiddin'. This here little ol' blog will still come up at the original address. And the new address. If you only knew how long I'd been trying to do this.

Seriously, years.

Ever since the original blog was destroyed in a fire. Well, a finger fire. At the hands of my keyboard-burning daughter. Long story, never mind.

But I won!!

The battle is over.

Try it. It works.

That's me!

P.S. I did get this message from my post folks, though...

Your blog is in transition. Your blog's new address is Since it takes time for this new address to be available all over the Internet, you can still get to it at

Your new address should work for everyone after at most 3 days. At that time we will redirect your readers from your old address to the new one.


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