That's me. I'm not really wicked, well, not always anyway... but I did melt today. Actually I had a meltdown. Having your husband in the hospital for 17 days will do that to you. And apparently it did.
I thought I was holding it all together just fine. But somewhere in between an 11:30 phone call and lunch at noon, one of my coworkers walked in and found me in tears. It had all begun to weigh on me just a little too heavy.
I tried to explain it away as simply being tired ... but I guess she knew better. And she simply hugged me and told me that I needed to take my own advice.
Say what?
Yep, she told me that I needed to read my own book. She said, "It's just like you said in your book..." She would've finished that sentence right then if I hadn't interrupted her with another "Say what?" And, "Tell me what I said in the book!!"
She told me that I made it clear in the book that I needed to take care of me. And I decided to listen.
I hadn't had a chance to shower this morning... so I went home at lunch and did just that. I showered. I started the day over, even though it was nearly 1:00. I returned to work with a fresher outlook. Certainly a cleaner one.
And then you know what I did after work?
I went house shopping. I called my realtor and told her I wanted to see some property.
Shut up. That always makes me feel better. And don't tell Rick... or else I'll really be crying! He'd see to it.
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