Wednesday, November 28, 2012

One last shameless plug

If you happen to be in the Frisco area this weekend... you can see my Christmas tree make its acting debut!  Here's my tree...

A bit Charley Brownish, I know.  But that's why it was selected for the play.

And here's the play it's appearing in...

Yes, I took both pictures with my phone.  And yes, I know you'll need a microscope to view the details.  But my tree would like for you to know that you can get tickets by calling: (972) 712-7007 and if you are available on one of the four performance nights (Nov. 30, Dec 1, 2 or 3), the show starts at 6:30.  Tree tells me that Babe's is providing the dinner, too.

Tree would also like for you to know that it makes its first appearance at the beginning of Act 1 and please don't make fun of it if it drops a few needles during the show.  Tree is very nervous.


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