That's what I posted on Facebook this morning. And I meant it.

The young lady is Thoko. She's standing with her brother and together they were a very engaging pair. Just 18 years old but very poised and very, very excited to be in the country she's only dreamed of coming to. She said that every Zambian child wants to come to the United States.
I grew up knowing what a great nation we had here. Of late, I've only heard negative comments from folks in other countries and admissions by some of our own that they would rather live elsewhere. Well, they can. As for me, I shall stay and appreciate the place of freedom that I grew up in. A place that I now know young people from other countries do still dream of visiting.
Thoko's having the time of her life here and I know she'll go home and tell her friends what an amazing country we really do have here.
And I'll always remember her beginning her testimony today with, "I CAN'T BELIEVE I'M IN THE UNITED STATES!"
Thank you, Thoko!
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