So, that said ... you are all invited to join us tomorrow at a gala affair for this beautiful young lady! She is very special to all of us and we want so badly to help her with her financial strains and stresses.
Tomorrow.... Saturday, August 3rd, in Frisco (Preston Ridge Baptist Church on Hillcrest Rd.) beginning at 9:00 AM and continuing until we can stand the heat no longer. Hopefully we'll last till 3:00. Hopefully we'll last till 1:00. Hopefully it'll snow.
So... Come On Out! Come Shop! Come Eat! Come Donate! Come Visit! We would love to see you, we would DEARLY love to see you! Please brave the heat tomorrow and come support the lovely Allie Brown.
Again, it's at 5849 Hillcrest Rd. in Frisco. North of the 121. South of Main. South of Rolater. South of College.
Allie's words about it all?
When doctors give you a life changing diagnosis, they tell you all the possibilities, but what they don't seem to always talk about is the blessings. This is an example of one of those blessings. You all have lifted me up spiritually, emotionally, physically and covered my family in prayers and blessings. Some kind friends of mine have put together an amazing benefit for me and my family. They have spent countless hours organizing and putting this together and I couldn't be any more thankful. If you are able to come by Preston Ridge Baptist Church on Saturday, my family would be so grateful for your support. There will be things to shop for and you can buy an "Allie's Army" shirt!
Thank you for being a part of my "Army" and lifting me up in more ways than I could count. Without your support, this journey would not be the same. Thank you is not a big enuf word! But, thank you for lifting me up in all ways possible!
"Humble yourself before the Lord and he WILL lift you up - James 4:10"
Again, I invite... no, URGE you all to come out and support Allie Brown. I would love it and I know Allie would, too!
- Kris

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