Next up, I decided that all of my shoes could look this cool and be this functional. Pinterest won me over again. I swear the blog post may never get written at this rate.
This here is a bookcase craftily turned into a shoe closet. Despite that fact that I wear about two pairs of shoes in my closet ever even though I own 66 pairs (I counted last year) I felt I needed this. In my room. In my closet. In my tiny closet. Okay, it's not tiny but it certainly doesn't offer up the space I need for this monstrosity beauty.
Hey, some of those shoes are darn cute! I could see myself in those heels. I said SEE myself. I didn't say I would WEAR them. In fact, those pink high tops on the bottom have my name all over them.
Tomorrow: the blog post. Lord willing and the creek don't rise.
* fingers crossed *
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