So, the show opens on Friday night. On Saturday night, a storm hits us. HARD. And out go the lights. Three young Shakespearean actors are on stage when all of a sudden, POOF. Complete darkness. It so happens that I had a flashlight just an inch or so from me and I got the brilliant idea to turn it on. Like, duh. And William Shakespeare continued.
Billy, our brilliant lead actor kept on going, never missing a beat. He even came up with a new name for the show! And he suggested that everyone pull out their cell phones and turn on the flashlights. Everyone did. And ... the show went on.
This is a quote I found on Facebook the next day:
"Shakespeare in the DARK. A quote from Billy Bestill at Saturday night's performance. The storm put the building in the dark and the audience and crew used their cell phone flashlights and lit the stage and the play continued. Great Job Guys! What troopers! Even ended with a standing ovation. You have to see this show!"
Wanna see what it looked like?

And that, folks, is what I've been up to ... and why I'm absolutely no closer to getting rid of this cold.
Who cares. I'm having fun. Dark or no dark.
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