Or three. Shut up.

There was a BBQ in Coeur D'Alene. I felt compelled to show you the condiments. 'Cuz I like food. And condiments. Always good to practice safe eating.

We went to a birthday party, too. For Jude. And Josiah. 'Cuz they had birthdays.
'Cuz they're older now.

I learned to like coffee in Coeur D'Alene.
But only Dutch Bros.
And only the "White Angel."
Very little coffee in a White Angel. Even less, the way I ordered it.
Extra Sweet.

I was worn out from all that ... all that ... what, vacationing?
Always good to put one's feet up.

There was a campfire in Coeur D'Alene. Apparently I wasn't invited. Apparently no one was.
You don't suppose the rapture happened ....
And someone forgot to tell me?????

Elizabeth made some friends. She asked if she could bring one home with her.
I said yes.
I mean't it, too.

Liz really liked this photo.
Wait, maybe she didn't. Maybe she yelled at me.

It was windy once.
Or twice.
Or everyday.
Okay, drama next.
I promise.
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